Your live application with Twilio is ready to use!
Your live application with Twilio is ready to use!
Before you start, make sure that the checkbox "Add my Twilio Credentials (ACCOUNT_SID) and (AUTH_TOKEN) to ENV" is checked in the "Environmental Variables" of this Function. If it's not checked, enable it and click "Deploy All" at the bottom.
Phone number Transfer between subaccounts of the same Main account
This tool allows transfers of numbers:
- between subaccounts present under the same Main account
- from Main account to its subaccounts
- from subaccounts to their Main account
Because this is a publicly accessible URL that automatically uses your
Account SID and auth_token, to limit it's access, please set a
password in your
- open the Function and click on "Environment Variables" in the bottom
left corner, and change the value of Password. Click on "Deploy All" button afterwards in the bottom left corner.
Password is 1
You are working with account: